Lately, I've been seeking images that connect to me on a deeper, more personal level. I was at Mayslake Peabody Estate the other day and found that chapels, buildings, statues and nature's floral displays all, in varying degrees, seemed to quench and revitalize my spirit. Though I don't go to church services per se, I still find religious icons and their symbolism a reassuring necessity, comfort for my evolving self. And when the light shines on them, making mysterious shadows, I do feel as if a higher power is standing next to me. I seemed to just float from one image to the next, and that trying so hard to get the right picture mood I sometimes get into was just not evident. Something else was guiding me. Doorways and rooms normally closed and sealed to the public were opened for me to view. Mystery and intrigue lurked around each corner, and my adventurous child self was awakened. Though the art fair that day fueled my creative imagination, I was glad that so much more was there inviting me in for a closer look. Shutting off my brain, feeling with my heart, and now here putting words down, all part of my process.