Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Take Time to Smell the Flowers

"Flower in Vase"
Watercolor, Acrylics, Digital Painting Tools

Sometimes I worry that I will run out of creative ideas and that someday I will stop, never to paint again. That scares me, as creativity is my lifeblood, my spiritual savior. So, as I've been dong lately, I'll find an "older" image and see if I can stimulate it or it can stimulate me.

I found this vase I had painted I don't know when and decided to add a flower, I guess maybe a rose to it The vase seemed lonely so I wanted the flower to give it company. The vase also appears to be floating since there is no table for it to sit on. I am fine with that as it adds a more mystical, dreamy feel to the image. I added thin lines to the background to give it a more energetic feel. So I got my art fix for the day.

Take time to smell the flowers. I know I will........


Carol Anne Strange said...

Another beautiful image, Bev! I really love the colours and that dreamy feel. And don't worry ~ the inspiration will always be with you. Creativity is at the core of your being! Have a magical day, my lovely. x

Doris said...

The picture has an ethereal quality. I can smell the rose!

Jean said...

Hi Bev,
I sometimes worry that I'll run out of creative ideas, too! But then I realize that I'm just in an incubation period, and before I know it, I'm full of new ideas again. Love the vase!!!!
(and I LOVE the photo on your Etsy button!!) Have a great show on Saturday - can't wait to hear how it goes :)