Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Another Owl Expresses My Feelings"

"Owl In Flight"

Just found out that a friend of mine (from writing class at the Center) passed away the day before Thanksgiving. I hadn't even known she was sick. But I am grateful to have gotten to know her as a writer and a kindred spirit. Though she wasn't in the class all that long, her writings were personal and I felt I got to know her on a deep level as a result.

It's interesting how one's creative work can reflect our feelings. I was feeling rather angry at first about her passing and painted a crocodile. The colors were rather dark but the teeth were glowing and formed a smile. Strange, it seemed my friend's spirit was coming through in the teeth. Make sense? She had fought a long cancer battle but was now at rest and in peace. So several emotions seemed to be fighting with each other.
Then soon after, I painted the owl pictured above. Yes, this is my friend who has soared to the Heavens. I have accepted this now. The lines all around her are the energy lines connecting us to each other. Yes, she has left this Earth, but her spirit lives on in my heart.

Once again, when words fail me, creativity becomes my voice!


Suz said...

Oh I am sorry to hear about your friends suffering and now passing
Anger is appropriate now
but it will not you know having quickly gone to painting an owl..a bird of night flight...quiet and stealth
Her journey will be the same
a thing of beauty
WOnderful are you doing?
Where and what are you doing for Christmas? email me

John said...

So sad regarding your friend. Beautiful expression of her in words and painting.

Doris said...

So sorry about your loss. I believe vision of an owl is the foretelling of death in lore. She's at peace now.

april said...

I'm so sorry about your friend, Bev. The owl is beautiful and look how free it's flying.

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel