Friday, January 9, 2009

My Dreams Call to Me

"Yellowstone at Sunset"

Today I am feeling the effects of day after day winter. I hibernate, yet dream of sunny days and traveling and adventure. I met someone the other day who said she used to work at the Grand Canyon. That immediately brought back memories of my time spent there serving the many, many tourists who came through to stare at this Natural Wonder. Such a melting pot of personalities it was, yet the quiet of Winter there appealed to my isolated, meditative side when tourists were fewer. All in all, a great experience that rejuvenated my soul. The photo above was actually taken at Geyser Basin, a gem of beauty found at Yellowstone National Park , another incredible place I worked at during those days of hopping, depending on seasonal need, from one National Park to another. I was beginning to get lost in past memories, reflecting on those days gone by. On top of this, a few days ago, my partner started stating out loud his dream to travel, to interview people, to write a book. We had just come back from a poetry gathering where an author had shared his experiences of traveling and gathering information for the compilation of his own book. His dreams had stoked my partner's dreams which had stoked my own dreams. Our energies seemed to connect and kindle the fires burning within each of us. I realize now that sitting isolated at home with my creativity does not always fill my well with possibilities such as this author had discussed and I was grateful I was sitting there, taking in his words. Putting this back onto my own self, I pondered the idea of taking photographs of people, places and events as we traveled around the country. I thought of the Western part of the U.S., from South to North and remembered how dazzled I was by nature's diversity at every corner we turned. And that doesn't even include the beauty of the whole world, either (which my backpacking vagabond self longs for). For many hours thereafter, images and experiences permeated my heart and soul, calling to my dreamer self. My companion contributed to my dreaming reverie this morning, saying, "I can just see you at a gallery, with your paintings all around, and people coming up to you asking about the deeper meanings of each creation". So dream mode I was certainly staying in, with little resistance on y part. I am a dreamer, always have been, always will be and exclaim that proudly to the world now. This is in direct contrast to how I used to feel when my dad would say to me. "You're such a dreamer" and I'd feel my self-worth go down the drain. How would a dreamer amount to anything, is what I took into my own self? I know now that I need to dream, to embrace this vital part of me, to foster the possibilities and then to take action. As I type "action", suddenly that fearful little voice (the ego) jumps out at me, saying sarcastically, "Yeah right, how are you going to do that?"
and immediately reality comes crashing in. Along with doubt, negativity and all other various companions of my ego. Then my heart comes back fighting, saying "Just put it out there, your dreams, they will happen. No hows or whys necessary". Visualize, like the new age, visionary coaches say. The energy you send out will come back tenfold, making everything you want in your life happen. My heart jumped up and down, feeling victorious.
I listen to my heart's voice telling me to write down my dreams, and what I love, and hold them dear to me from now on. And perhaps, someday soon, I will be standing on those shores of Lake Yellowstone taking photos again, at the very least. And the rest, I leave up to the Universe. May all your dreams come true as well.


april said...

Oh Bev! I hope this dream comes true for you. Perfect for you. And your photographs and paintings are so special.

Soulsearcher said...

Dreaming is what makes life bearable. Never stop!

Anonymous said...

Last night, in response to the wonderful comments I received on my short story post, the Lion said "You need to write a book." My immediate response? But I would need to take time off of work, and we can't afford it. There's a book in my dreamer self. My day to day practical self, responds with "but (fill in excuse)" What's the expression? If there's a will, there's a way?

Laura said...

Hi Bev, I remember once wanting to live far up north in a cabin and nature all around, a dream. and I remember reading some where... If you want to go to an inland and sit on the beach by yourself a lai or a little umbrella for you drink. Feeding your dream little by little helps us not feel that it's only a dream but it has possiblities to really come true. My favorite saying is... Along the way dreams do come true.

Unknown said...

Bev, turn your back on doubt. I firmly believe that the energy we project will eventually come back to us, tenfold.
Your birds are gorgeous. I especially like bird #12.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll be back to visit yours, too.

butterfly woman said...

I will hold onto my dreams and never stop. They are a vital part of me that keeps the fire burning.
Hi Deborah, thanks for looking at my birdies. I suppose I'll get around to titling them, but for now the number system will suffice. #12 bird surfaced in between two other drawings. I feel that bird really tapped into the treasure chest of fantasy birds.
Urban Panther,
That story you wrote so, so needs to be shared with the world. It helped heal pieces of me and there are so many others I'm sure would be impacted as well. Believe from your heart, it will fall into place. And our dreams will come true!

neetzy said...

Hi Bev,

Keep sending out that positive energy by dreaming, painting, writing and photographing. You are capturing moments in time and helping others to see them as only you can. Your photos are beautiful and so is your art!

Karin Bartimole said...

Hi Beverly,
Thank you for finding me :) Now I have found you, and your open honest voice, and beautiful birds!
Without dreams would there be any kind of change in our world and lives? I applaud your bravery in sharing your dreams 'out loud', and how wonderful that your partner is not only in support of this one, but in sync with it. The seed has been planted - I look forward to seeing how it will be watered, nurtured and encouraged to grow...Karin

Odd Chick said...

This is a beautiful and open concept about dreamers. Your photographs and your bird portraits are exquisite and I see someone who has been in "action" for a long time. You reminded me that we put our dreams out there into energy and then we respond to the things the creative energy brings back to us. Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments!

L'Adelaide said...

You have a beautiful creation here and your words are stunning...I know how you feel about the self-doubt creeping in and it's quite hard to put it aside...I have often wondered "why is it so hard to NOT listen to these little insecurities and so difficult to hear the life affirming thoughts we also have within our hearts?"

I have no answers to that question this day but I know one must follow one's dream, no matter how impossible it may seem to another...

many blessings to you...

Doris said...

Really happy news. So nice to hear your dreaming self awakening open to possibility!