Friday, December 26, 2008

Crow bestows his magic on me

"Crow Bestows His Magic On Me"
Watercolor, Digitally Enhanced

I hop on crow's back and we fly together into the cosmos,
where mysterious realms beckon
and call my name
Crow helps me open my eyes
to the possibilities of where my creativity can go.
Darkness, lightness, embracing them I seek
more journeys, past my perceived limits I go,
dancing on the stars, twirling in the smoky clouds,
comet tails I hold onto as I move
deeper into the void
Crow watches knowingly from his perch now,
his cawing growing fainter, more muffled
as I become a distant speck,
unafraid of the nothingness of space
and yet, knowing its essence fills me up
Completeness of self,
I have come home to me.

Crows are messengers calling to us about the creation and magic that is alive in the world today
and available to us all. I open myself to all of nature's teachings, humbled by the vast knowledge that surrounds me.

Right after I finished the crow creation above, I felt a pull from somewhere deep inside of me to write some words to accompany it. Doing the art was meditative. Adding layers of watercolor paint and putting detailed lines in to delineate feathers, for example, seemed to access my unconscious self. And then, with the poetry being done right after the art process, seemed to keep the creative flow going. This is unusual for me, as I always give myself a break, maybe hours, maybe days, between painting and writing about what the painting means. I almost felt the words here were written by someone else, not me. (Automatic writing, ghost writing?) Usually I feel that way about my art after I complete and step back and stare at it. To me, it seems a form of detachment, of letting go, releasing what I have held within. So this is a weird feeling, unusual, but not unpleasant. Crow did work his magic on me and my creative process. My art is changing, I am changing. Thank you, Crow, for stopping by and witnessing this.


april said...

Interesting, Bev. Very encouraging, uplifting poetry. Yay! And did you take that crow photo? Wow!

butterfly woman said...

Hi April,
No, not a photo as I have not seen a crow in these parts for a while. Used a crow from a book as a jumping off point,added my own touches of what a crow might look like, painted it in watercolors and background is done with help of computer. The tail seems a bit long, and quite purple in spots, but it is after all a fantasy crow!
Thank you for your comments!
P.S. This crow originally just had a white background, but something moved me to add more and voila.

Doris said...

It is magical and and may propel you further and faster!Well done!

Tao Master said...

Crow magic can be intoxicating. I hope you keep going in this direction and learn what Crow can teach you. Keep Going,

april said...

It's beautiful. You did a wonderful job. I guess you can't get that close to a crow, even if you are lucky enough to see one. I think they were coming back, though. Think I've heard some this past season. Right, Laura?

Soulsearcher said...

This is a great image of a crow. I used to have many crows visiting my yard, but, since West Nile virus hit I haven't seen any--very sad!

Laura said...

Hi Bev,
after reading you poem and looking at your painting again I could see you publishng your own book like on lulu or something. Maybe a book of your birds and poems about them. very interesting.

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