Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wind Chimes Sooth My Restless Spirit

Standing on Deck, I Hear

wind chimes singing songs
each distinct in voicing joy
piercing the quiet

Beverly Bronson May 2009

Kissed by loving breezes
a wind chime's lullaby soothes
me into dreamland

Beverly Bronson May 2009

I love wind chimes. Their soothing song is so meditative. I am always amazed at the different melodies produced. It is like an orchestra to me. Lately, I have been in a very reflective mood and am longing for quiet. Spending time walking in the woods or sitting on the deck listening to the sounds of birds and wind chimes is easing my restless soul. I have noticed a deep longing arising within me which I cannot name. It does not go away but seems to strengthen with each passing day. Being creative helps me alleviate some of this longing.

The top photo is of a wooden wind chime hanging from some tree branches. Luckily, a soft breeze made the chimes move, giving it a rather interesting compositional effect here. I like the background for it seems rather mysterious to me. And I often hear the wood spirits calling to me through the chimes, adding to the magic moment. The bottom photo is of a wind chime of metal with plastic tear drop chimes enclosed within. I played with this photo, adding some computer effects, to give it a stained glass effect. I find myself feeling very spiritual, as if I'm in church, when I hear the chimes singing in the breeze. The small black lines on the chimes were an afterthought. As I drew them, I thought of cracked eggs and ancient times. Symbolically, perhaps my heart/soul is cracking open a bit to allow any resistance I am feeling to escape. Resistance to allowing my true self to emerge continues to make its presence known. I am aware of this and hope to conquer it someday.

Oh, and the wind chime haiku I wrote some time ago but now feel that they belong here with these images. A marriage of two forms of creativity feels just right to me.

May the breezes blow through your wind chimes and sing to you.


april said...

Two beautiful photos, Bev! Love them. As I look at them, I see the background in the first one matches the chimes in the second one. And then, the chimes in the first one match the background in the second one. Lovely. A lovely pair. I love haiku too and yours are perfect.

Doris said...

I really enjoyed the haiku's also and the chimes, so lovely! With my winds I can only keep chimes indoors ands sometimes still they blow violently.

Brenda said...

I love wind chimes as well - they are so soothing and relaxing.