Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Keep an Eye out for Bowser the Cat, Please!

"Finch on Coneflower"
Watercolor Digitally Enhanced

Well, little finch here feels it is safe to come out now that Bowser the Cat seems to have vanished. I drew from a magazine cover this little guy, painted him with watercolors, and then popped up colors with a computer program (also added some fuzziness to his edges). I had a photo I had taken in the woods of a finch but it was so swallowed up by the woods it was not very clear to see. My sister says she wanted a yellow bird of some sort so voila he landed here. He's got a flat top/maybe a buzz cut due to cropping him down here. He's also painted very close to top edge which is okay. I sometimes like images to go off the edge a bit. Also, don't tell little finch here but another librarian wants a print of Bowser the cat to send to her mother, who now owns Bowser. She wants her mom to see Bowser in his wilder days roaming streets of Frankfort. He's now a pampered, spoiled cat living in Connecticut but the librarian doesn't want him to forgot his original roots!!! This makes me laugh, how pets really can pull at our heart strings. I am glad I left the blade of grass in on his portrait as it shows a little piece of his natural surroundings.


april said...

No problem for you painting birds! just lovely!

Doris said...

Those happy endings are so warming! Beautiful finch to taunt the Bowser!