Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tree Spirit

"Tree Spirit"
Watercolor, Digital Photo Tools

The tree spirit wonders if she should remain hidden amongst the rainbow palette of leaves or come out to say Hi. I am this spirit, connected to nature, yet longing for balance. I want to stay connected to my artistic spirit which sometimes means withdrawing from the world. Yet, earthly matters call to me as well, forcing me out of my comfort zone. Sometimes I feel like I am being torn in two and pray that I will do the right thing. The wind rustles the leaves around me and soon they are falling gently to the ground. Then the branches and I will be exposed. Am I ready for this or shall I transform myself into a Cave Spirit where I can continue to remain hidden? I hear her soft voice murmuring "Only time will tell......." as the leaves continue to dance and twirl around. The autumn season has brought both beauty and melancholy into my soul. I await the changes within, seeking comfort from the tree spirit.


Carol Anne Strange said...

Beverly ~ Your Tree Spirit is so beautiful and I see your connection. I so relate to your thoughts here. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your kindness and inspiring comments on my blog. I am feeling much better, thanks to nature's medicine, and the creativity continues. I hope all is well with you, my friend. Love. Love, Love. xx

Elena said...

So much growth around you dear butterfly. Keep soaring!

Suz said...

I see it!

Doris said...

I see your hiding. Soon the branches will be stark and rejoicing... reaching for the sky. Is that where you'll have flown off too?