"Released from the Cage"
There's a wildness within me that wants to be released. I am not sure how I'll handle this side of me. My parents, who raised me to be a "nice" girl, would probably be raising their eyebrows at my rantings here.Yet, they ranted when I was growing up. No fair, double standard! I may use the rantings (I think my inner child is just throwing a tantrum cuz she wants to be front and center 24/7 these days) as a creative outlet perhaps. Throw some paint, rip up some papers, do a Jackson Pollock number with buckets of paint spattered every which way. Black and red colors dominating the palette (oh rainbow colors will be fine too). It's better than ripping someone else's head off when it's really just bottled up emotions coming to the surface. Like a volcano spewing lava those feelings are beginning to percolate, held back, suppressed too long. I realize there's no need to blame an innocent other who crosses my path. This is my internal battle. Just be gentle with myself. Pet the wild cat, give it a bowl of milk and then set it loose. It's been domesticated for way too long now. The fairies and angels may have to take a backseat for a bit to allow these darker stirrings to emerge. Caged within. Hidden. Holding back, yet chomping at the bit.Demanding some attention. Little purring kitty cat wants to growl.
Actually, the image I posted above started out as a nice little cat of sorts. And look what happened to it. The background, originally calming, stark white, transformed to hot orange. Colors can do that, help us process our feelings better. Maybe there is something to therapeutic art release of feelings after all. How can I not spend my time doing art? So healing, so surprising, so fulfilling!
Suddenly the song lyrics by Helen Reddy "I am woman, Hear me Roar" are dancing through my head. I think I need to pay attention to what is transpiring here.
Just some late evening ramblings from me. Hey, that's what blogs are for, right?
This was made into a draft last night, but today I shall share it. It feels right!
Actually, the image I posted above started out as a nice little cat of sorts. And look what happened to it. The background, originally calming, stark white, transformed to hot orange. Colors can do that, help us process our feelings better. Maybe there is something to therapeutic art release of feelings after all. How can I not spend my time doing art? So healing, so surprising, so fulfilling!
Suddenly the song lyrics by Helen Reddy "I am woman, Hear me Roar" are dancing through my head. I think I need to pay attention to what is transpiring here.
Just some late evening ramblings from me. Hey, that's what blogs are for, right?
This was made into a draft last night, but today I shall share it. It feels right!
Release the wild from within, Bev. Out of the darkness comes the light! What a journey you're on and how wonderful to see your spiritual and creative evolution. Be the wild and the wonderful, bright one. xx
I'll be roaring by your side! Lovely piece.
Really like this piece here Bev the personality is speaking loudly and with great passion.. very moving.
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